The Sovereign School was established under the aegis of Rohini Eductional Society as an endeavour to create a safe, nurturing environment where children thrive & grow. It is a co-educational institution (Recognized & Affiliated by C.B.S.E.) imparting distinctive educational upbringing that enables young minds to grow not only in intellectual capacities but to bloom in other dimensions too. In a nutshell, The Sovereign School is a “Playground of Education” which provides a vibrant and fun-filled learning experience for children. OUR VISION : To provide the most ultra modern yet value based education to the students to help them in contributing to the society in a holistic manner. OUR MISSION : To become one-of-a-kind school with cutting edge technologies, infrastructure and faculty that provides best career, creative and physical growth at par excellence. OUR BELIEF : Imparting education in a way that will serve the society comprehensively. To construct a span foundation for the students both in Scholastic & Non-Scholastic Arena. Nourishing the student’s personalities and fostering their Logical and analytical abilities thereby creating an Edifice of Excellence in every walk of life. IDEOLOGY : To make Learning Unlike Any Other
Club Activities
Extra-curricular Activities
Sports Facilities
Summer camp
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Admission Procedure
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Adriel High School