Interview Tips for parents

During a preschool interview, a child is tested on his comprehensive qualities which are still in the developing stage and self-sufficiency along with confidence. Parents need to remember that this is not an interview where your little one would be questioned about space science or robots. So there is absolutely no need to panic and instill fear in the child who is already apprehensive about an imminent shift in the environment. As you prepare your child for the preschool interview here are a set of common questions that you can expect your child to be tested up on.

There are Five Basic Segments on Which the Kid will be Tested:

  • Identification of shapes and colours
  • Identification of common birds and animals
  • Sketching, drawing or painting
  • Following instructions
  • Discipline

The interview usually focuses on the educational activities related to early childhood. This entails that they will be all related to sensory experiences. The interview tests the manner in which the child is able to explore the five senses of sight, touch, sound, smell and taste. Queries can be placed to your child in plain conversational form or through theme activities that requires the child to identify, compare and classify items as they gradually explore the new world outside their parents.

This is How Preschool Interview is Conducted

Here is how the preschool interview may be conducted.

Placing an Object

The interviewer might place an interesting object like a painting, a toy or a carving and allow the child to touch it. As he explores the different textures, the manner of his observation is noticed.

The test is therefore on his descriptive faculties and expressive vocabulary. This is why parents are always advised to encourage the child to express his thoughts and feelings in words while they prepare them for the preschool interview. This way they will get more accustomed to express themselves verbally and be comfortable about it.

Communication Skills are Tested

The interview also tests the communication skills of the child and the manner in which the child is able to express his difficulties.

Observational Skill are Tested

The questions directed at the child during the interview tests the observational abilities along with the manner in which the child is able to compare experiment and practice in expressing their thoughts. Through patience and constant practice in a friendly way, the parents can effectively prepare their child for the preschool interview.

The Preschool is the First Step of your Child towards Independence.

  • So amongst the common questions, you will find your child asked in varied ways on how he would manage to separate from you.
  • He would be tested on how easily he would become part of a group
  • The manner in which he is able to play or conduct himself in a cooperative in the company of other children
  • How easily he can make friends
  • The manner in which he behaves with strangers
  • The mark of discipline in his regular activities
  • His patience and how willing he is to listen
  • Whether he messes up or in unwilling to follow general instructions
  • How well he takes directions from the teacher.
  • Finally, whether your child has special needs.

The most important point is to not let the child feel that this is going to be a very trying episode in his life; otherwise, the child will automatically buckle under pressure. The secret to success is to ensure a comfortable feel and allow the child to be his own self and the natural confidence will come across easily. Below are few important questions for parents:

Nursery admission questions for parents:

As a parent, you are aware of the fact that your kid is very impressionable and hence you must start teaching the right values from this very small age only. Tell the interviewer that you have taught your kid about our country, difference between good and bad things and so on. Also make sure that your kid knows a little about what you are telling the interviewer.

Tell the interviewer how you teach your child the importance of his/her own time and other’s time also. And you can also tell them how you teaching him/her to take interest in other channels also.

If yes then tell them otherwise you can ensure them that you are giving potty training these days and soon he/she will be well potty trained.

Tell them about one of your picnic where your child enjoyed a lot with the whole family and learned new things also.

You can tell some of your ways how you teach your child. One of the best ways to bring healthy eating habits is to eat healthy food in front of your child regularly.

Never say that you will arrange a tuition teacher for your young child. Tell the interviewer that you both are looking for ways in order to make sure that you can yourself take care of his education. If there is some elder in the family such as grandparents or uncles/ aunties, tell them that the child has enough people around him to take care of his education and other daily needs.

Talk about your working hours, the number of working days and how you both manage to spend time with your kid. Tell them that you occasionally go for family outings and also make sure to have all the meals together with the child, talking about how his day went and everything else.

It will be better if you will not mention things such as watching TV. Tell the interviewer that you kid loves to help you in gardening, collecting ice cream sticks, coins and other such hobbies which have a positive impact on your kid’s educational journey.

Talk about your nanny or grandparents in the family who take care of the kid while both of you are not at home. Also, talk about the relationship that your kid shares with these people.

Talk about the importance of a good school in your child’s life and how a good school can inculcate good moral ethics in your child. Talk about how a good school at this level can be beneficial for shaping up your kid as a responsible individual.

This question sets the base for the rest of the interview as the panel will align their questions to your answer. Talk about your education and your career and how you plan to use your background to nurture and grow your child in his educational journey.

Raising a child is a full-time task and who knows it better than you. The school wants to figure out if you have help at home to guide the child on a day-to-day basis. If you do live in a joint family, good for you. Else, talk about how have help from extended family and neighbours whenever needed.

This is one of the most important nursery interview questions for parents. Your baby is now going to be in a big school with many other kids, and take big lessons in alphabets, numbers and the world around him. Discuss the lessons you have imparted to your preschooler – colours, shapes, etc. - and the methods you have used for the same, say storytelling or picture books.

Don't let this question scare you. It is normal for many toddlers to develop aggressive behaviour for some time in their growing years. Describe your child's positive qualities and how you have taught him to play and learn in harmony with others.

The school wants to understand your intention behind selecting their organization and where you heard about them. Talk about the school's history, curriculum, faculty and also other factors such as proximity to your home or transport. It is okay to be honest about your other applications as it is natural for parents to try every suitable avenue for their child.

Since your child will spend considerable time at school, it becomes the teachers' responsibility to take care of his diet and ensure he eats and drinks enough. Talk about his day to day eating habits and what kind of lunchboxes you plan to send along.

Punishment can be a necessary part of education and sometimes becomes essential to teach discipline. Mention the ways you have disciplined your child in the past – by setting a bedtime curfew, denying a favourite food item etc. Make sure you get two points across very well – you value discipline but you also value gentle and constructive ways to implement it.

Since your kid will be in contact with several others – and also more possible sources of infection – this is crucial. Make sure you get the necessary vaccination done. Be honest about past medical records. This information will not affect your child's candidature in any way.

This may seem premature but you may well be asked about your career ambition for your child. Discuss the plans you have for your preschooler, however basic, and how you plan to work in tandem with the school to fulfill your ambitions for your child.

Though seemingly personal, this is an important question from the school's perspective. A child can grow fully and study hard only if he has peace of mind at home. Clearly discuss your home environment. Even if there is unrest, make sure you convey that you don't let this affect your child at all.

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hi the school is so unorganised and teachers their are so biased they just judge you by their family It's ok , good and best .It is a disciplined school. I like it . I am studying in this school only. It’s a good school, teachers are very cooperative, the focus on the learning, both my kids have gone