Basic Information

Established in Year : 1984

School Category : Senior Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About R.D. Public Senior Secondary School
Our mission is not just to create another face in the crowd but to nurture each student into developing a personality which has the resolve to do the Nation’s pride, Love, Tolerance, Brotherhood, Humanism, Patriotism, Sensitivity to the Environment, Rationalism, Courage to bear life's contingencies and to take up cudgels on behalf of the under privileged are the hallmarks of our students. R D Public Sr. Sec. School endeavours to provide not just pedantic learning but a genuine and holistic education in a stress free environment where students inculcate a spirit of enquiry. We not only train them to find challenging careers but also to face the complexities of life. We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are goal oriented, sensitive to their environment and above all, co-creators of their own destiny. Our aim is to help a child realise his/her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen. At R D Public Sr. Sec. School, we aim to provide an academic environment which treats each child as a unique individual and develops him/her to the maximum potential. We provide a variety of learning experiences which promote integrated growth in all areas, be it the Physical, Intellectual, Moral or Social.
  • Activity Room
  • Art & Craft
  • Audio Visual room
  • Auditorium
  • Ball Pool
  • Biology Lab
  • Chemistry Lab
  • Children Park
  • Class Rooms
  • Computer Lab
  • Dance and Music
  • Dools house
  • Games & Sport
  • Indoor Games
  • Library
  • Medical Room
  • Outdoor Games
  • Physics Lab
  • Science Lab
  • Sports Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Games and Sport
  • Library
  • Activity Room
  • Art & Craft
  • Biology Lab
  • Chemistry & Physics Lab
  • Class Room
  • Computer Lab
  • Library
  • Maths Lab
  • Medical Room
  • Out Door Games
  • Science Lab
  • Transportation
Admission Procedure
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Notice Board

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