I used to work at Moolchand and Dr. Shroff's Eye and E.N.T. Hospital in the early 1980's as Visiting Audiologist and Speech-Therapist in the morning hours. In the evenings I used to run my Speech-Therapy Clinic first at Pusa Road and thereafter at East Patel Nagar, New-Delhi where the parents of the children especially their mothers used to bring them for Speech-Therapy for the correction of their various speech disorders. During the parents counselling sessions they used to discuss about their children's education, learning and behaviour problems and were asking me for a special school where their such problems could be awit. A small special nursery school for the hearing-impaired and slow learner children was set up at 26/32, East Patel Nagar, New-Delhi-5 in 1987 in the morning hours. In the afternoons special coaching classes for such children who used to attend the regular school were started there. Later on the number of children attending the said school increased and a separate place for the school was secured at K-87, Kirti Nagar, New-Delhi-15 in 1991 and it was named as Awaaz Special School and a trust was made and it was registered under the Public Trust Act [Regd. No. 23641].
Happy Senior School