Now a days it is a must, to go through CBSE sample question papers before appearing for the final exam. Though it is recommended to complete all the NCERT textbooks to excel in exams, but to get an upper edge , one should always have a close look at the sample papers and practice by solving them before final exams.
Class 11 Informatics Practices Marks Distribution | |
Units | Marks |
Introduction to computer system | 10 |
Introduction to Python | 25 |
Database concepts and the Structured Query Language | 30 |
Introduction to Emerging Trends | 5 |
Practicals | 30 |
Total | 100 |
Informatics Practices Topics to be covered for Class 11 Commerce
For preparing for board exams students can also check out
CBSE Class 11 Informatics Practices Question Papers
Important Questions for Class 11 Informatics Practices Chapter Wise
Informatics Practices Revision Notes for class 11
Previous Year Question Paper CBSE Class 11 Informatics Practices
What are CBSE Sample Papers?
Sample papers are mainly a kind of mock tests or model test papers which are prepared in accordance with the latest syllabus and guidelines that are issued by the central board. These examination test papers are designed as the replica of the actual papers that are asked in final examinations. All the marking schemes, number of questions , types of questions asked are followed as per board scheme and are issued to students two or three months before the examinations so that students get enough time to practice.
What is the importance of Sample Papers for Students?
In order to access the level of preparation done by any particular student he or she needs to solve CBSE Sample Papers. These papers are the perfect way to practise for the final board exam. If one wants to have a clear idea of how the final exam papers would be in terms of level of difficulty, time and other aspects then , all students must make sure that they do sample papers once their course revision is finished.
Few benefits of solving CBSE sample papers are given below:
Best Time to Practice Sample Papers
This mainly varies from student to student but in general students should start dealing with sample papers as soon as their book revisions are over. Infact along with sample papers students should also look for model test papers of various publishers and attempt them to get the idea of level of preparation. As the dates of exam are approaching near by that time only samples papers should be mainly considered for practice and in case of any shortcomings those should be thoroughly discussed with teachers freids and other concerned person so that one has clarity before attempting the final paper.