CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 11 English

English for Class 11 is another tricky subject which if not handled properly may cause problems in scoring good marks in final exams. So one needs to be focussed on this subject from the start and the way to prepare apart from completing main and reference books is solving CBSE Sample Papers. Here on Ribblu one can get immense collection of Sample Question Papers for Class 11 English in PDF format for free.

Total Papers : 12

Total Papers : 12

Class 11 English Marks Distribution
Units Marks
Section – A (Reading Comprehension) 20
Section - B (Writing Skills and Grammar) 30
Section - C (Literature) 30
Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills 20

English Topics to be covered for Class 11 Arts

  • Reading comprehension
  • Note-Making and Summarization
  • Notice Writing
  • Poster Designing
  • Letter Writing
  • Article/Speech Writing
  • Listening Activity
  • Activities for listening and speaking
  • Drafting Advertisements

Structure of CBSE English Sample Paper for Class 12 Arts is

Type of Question Marks per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Objective Type Questions 1 20 20
Short Answer Type Questions - 1 2 5 10
Short Answer Type Questions - 2 3 1 3
Short Answer Type Questions - 3 4 1 4
Long Answer Type Questions - 1 1 5 5
Long Answer Type Questions - 2 6 5 30
Very Long Answer Type Questions 8 1 8
Total 34 80
Assessment ofListening and Speaking Skills 20
Grand Total 100

For Preparation of board exams students can also check out other resource material

CBSE Class 11 English Question Papers

Important Questions for Class 11 English Chapter Wise

English Revision Notes for class 11

Previous Year Question Paper CBSE Class 11 English

CBSE Board Examination are often long enough and stressful especially for Class 11th because apart from board exams they are supposed to appear in various other competitive entrance exams depending on which career path they choose.So as students, one does get anxious about the performance in the exams. The key to success in Board exams is preparation right from the start that involves a lot of planning to study, revise and practice. Apart from reference books and notes, Sample papers are very effective study materials for board exam preparation. There are enough reasons that suggest that sample papers hold the key in the successful preparation for final exams. Some of them are mentioned below.

  1. Since Sample papers are designed as per CBSE guidelines and marking schemes and the whole blueprint is followed thus when a student tries to attempt sample papers they get a complete idea about the type of questions that will be asked in the exam. This gives them an edge to prepare well for the exam.Students get the clear idea how questions are framed, including the type of questions like short or long answer type questions, mostly asked topics, marks distribution, etc.
  2. CBSE sample papers are a great tool to help in analysis for board exams. As it is based on the latest syllabus updated by the board thereby it covers every question from most of the important topics. Thus solving sample papers help students in analysing their preparation levels for the exam. However the practice should be done in a way that first the paper is solved and then solutions should be consulted to get an analysis of their strong and weak points. This ensures that they are more clear about what to answer and what can be avoided on the day of the exam.
  3. Solving a lot of sample papers and model test papers gives students a clear idea of what kind of questions are repeatedly being asked and thus they get clarity of which topics are more important and should be emphasised on for revision before attempting the final paper. So attempting papers helps students to prepare well for most frequently asked questions, important questions, and questions that will carry high marks.
  4. Although students cover up the entire course syllabus by the end of the session, revising again everything becomes a time consuming process which is difficult. Thus with practicing sample papers allows students to check the preparation status of each and every small topic in a chapter. Doing that ensures quick and easy insight into all the important questions and topics in each and every individual. Solving the sample papers also acts as the revision process.

There are many ways to attempt and solve sample and model papers but the best way is to sit in a quiet place at home or somewhere else on a chair with a table similar to examination hall pattern, keeping all stationary required alongside. Make sure you do not have an empty stomach prior to the session. After starting the clock and just like exams, solve the sample paper on an answer sheet just the way it is done in the examination hall. All the distractions which include mobile phone, music, TV or any other stuff should be avoided. If possible one may indulge elder siblings or parents to act as invigilator. Once the sample paper is solved it is advisable to show the answer sheet and the sample paper to your teacher in schools or at tuitions to check.This will make sure you are prepared to give that perfect answer in your final exams.

On you get a lot of resource material to practice which includes sample question papers, worksheets, test papers, previous year board papers, important questions, solved papers, model papers everything free in PDF format.

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