VARDHMAN SHIKHA MANDIR is a prestigious co-educational English medium School that is located in Darya Ganj, in the heart of city of Delhi. It is a Jain Minority Institution and run under the auspices of the Jain Society for the protection of orphans of India. The school is recognized by the Directorate of Education Delhi and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The Fundamental Objective of setting up the school was to provide quality education to the children based on ethical and moral values so as to prepare them to become responsible citizen of the nation . To meet the said objective , VSM put out all the efforts to create and sustain an environment in which the child can learn, explore and discover his own self and understand his potential. Every child learns differently and possesses different skills. VSM strives hard to provide supportive environment to student that can unleash their potential to do their best.
Class Rooms
Computer Aided Learning
Computer Lab
Play Ground
Science Lab
Class Room
Computer Lab
Play Ground
Science Lab
Admission Procedure
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Basic Information
School Category : Senior Secondary School
Medium of School : English
Type of School : (Private) Day
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Notice Board
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Ramjas Primary School