About Nirmal Bhartia School
The Nirmal Bhartia School (NBS), sited at Sector 14 in Dwarka, New Delhi is a co-educational English medium school promoted by the Nirmal Society for Education Promotion and India Glycols Limited. It is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi and offers classes from Nursery through class X. Believing that education needs to penetrate into the life of an individual, the school aims at “including the support of the family in the child’s education by instituting a partnership of ‘home, school and community’, in which students are given ample learning opportunities that motivate them to reach their optimum potential”. NBS encourages students to learn in a co-operative and collaborative environment by involving active participation of parents in the study program along with the school teachers. According to a school spokesperson, “As educators, we dedicate ourselves to providing a gentle, holistic system that teaches children to work together to recognize and respect each other's strengths and leverage them to mutual advantage, all with the complete and total support of family, school and the community, as they each mesh into one large and beautiful fabric of living and learning.”