Basic Information

Established in Year : 1992

School Category : Nursery School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Little Creative Minds Play School
We started Little Creative Minds in 1992. Our objective was to convey an INTELLIGENT Playschool programme. A programme that is a happy blend of Montessori and Play-way methodology. Right from its inception, Little Creative Minds focused on every aspect of a child’s growth. Each of our 5 programmes is designed to build cognitive, emotional, social and physical skills. The emphasis therefore, is to nurture curiosity and the innate abilities of a child through a spectrum of exploratory learning experiences. Little Creative Minds provides a non-judgmental and a totally fun learning experience. Children learn to relax, respect themselves, and cultivate a joyous sense of wellbeing.
  • Activity Room
  • Art & Craft
  • Audio Visual room
  • Auditorium
  • Ball room
  • Children Park
  • Class Rooms
  • Dance and Music
  • Dance Room
  • Dolls Room
  • Drawing
  • Festivals
  • Functions
  • Kiddies Garden
  • Kidz Zone
  • KinderGarten
  • Painting
  • Toy Room
  • Transportation
  • Activity Room
  • Art & Craft
  • Audio Visual Room
  • Auditorium
  • Ball Room
  • Class Room
  • Dance & Music
  • Functions
  • Kitchen garden
  • Painting
  • Toy Room
  • Transportation
Admission Procedure
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Notice Board

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