About Learnium School
It is said that we live in exciting times. Exciting for those who are willing to learn and adapt. Learnium School is an institution of learning where children are encouraged to think beyond ordinary, to let their mind explore the magical world around us, to create a world for them without boundaries. For example, a career in medicine, engineering or civil services in the present times. We should break the shackles of the prejudices such as attaching unqualified superiority to some profession and not to others. There is a tremendous diversity in the matter of careers covering conventional as well as emerging fields. At Learnium, our approach is on similar lines- not to straight jacket the child, to provide him with a healthy learning atmosphere through an easy and fun-filled way so as not to overburden him, which might be detrimental in short term as well as long term. At Learnium, students are encouraged to learn by doing, making, writing, designing, creating, solving, passivity dampens students? motivation and curiosity.
Crayons Montessori