Basic Information

Established in Year : 2010

School Category : Nursery School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) (Day/Residential)

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Amar Jyoti's Playway And Day Care
And the best which I understand from this above quote is that we can start the process- the process of improvement and enhancement- from the very childhood. Once we work with tiny tots to help them build a personality, understand the world we are dwelling in, our half toil is over here. However our responsibilities are not over yet. We have to work like polio vaccinations. Polio disease is not prevailing but we are still persistent with the vaccinations. So with this aim to constantly endeavor to enhance the next generation, we started the process - the process of improvement and enhancement of the entire globe- on 14th February 2010. I believe this is a date which you can’t forget because it was on the Valentine’s Day, though it was a coincidence. Our concentration on the very next generation has numerous benefits. We are not only teaching them essentials but we are figuratively aiming on fortifying the entire human race. We are Amar Jyoti’s Playway, aiming to benefit you for generations to come.
  • Activity Room
  • child friendly furniture
  • Dance
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Play area
  • Play Ground
  • Sports Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Activity Room
  • Art Room
  • Best Faculties
  • Best Transportation
  • Dance Room
  • Medical Room
  • Storytelling corner
  • Toy Room
Admission Procedure
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