Basic Information

Established in Year : 1953

School Category : Senior Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Gopi Birla Memorial School
Founded in 1953 by Shrimati Gopi Birla, our school served the long felt need of an institution facilitating girls education to equip them for a rapidly changing society while staying true to Indian culture and values. In 1970, Birla Balika Vidya Mandir, as it was known then, gained affiliation with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). In the year 1975, Birla Balika Vidya Mandir became Birla Public School, a co-educational institution. Later, in the year 1995 BPS was renamed Gopi Birla Memorial School, following the death of our beloved founder, to whose guiding spirit GBMS owes its status as one of the leading educational institutions in the city. Gopi Birla Memorial School comes under the Birla Industries Group Charitable Trust (BIGCT). We are also an integral part of the Yash Birla Group Community. Our prioritization of vibrancy in all-round development and continued quest for excellence in all aspects of education makes us a benchmark as a premier educational institution. In 2014 Permanent affiliation was granted by the CBSE up to grade XII.
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