Little Millennium's proprietary ‘Seven-Petal’ preschool curriculum developed exclusively for 2-6 year olds, ensures holistic development of every child by following Sequential Learning and Developmental Milestones. The curriculum uses Eclectic Approach model to subsequently improve learning effectiveness in children. The curriculum aims at providing children with a solid academic foundation by implementing a multi-sensory integrated approach to early education. At Little Millennium, the emphasis is on building the right foundation for the child everyday through play activities and collaborative group work. Highly trained staff, premium child-friendly infrastructure, an acute focus on quality control and evaluation ensures a high quality experience for children and their parents at our preschool. We believe that each child is unique and our aim is to help them become happy, social and confident children. Our dedicated efforts towards building and nurturing the future generation has proclaimed Little Millennium as the best Preschool Chain in India.
Art & Craft
clay modelling
Medical Room
Play area
Splash Pool
Sports Facilities
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Basic Information
9826429042 / 7000569645
Principal/Director : Mr Shantanu Prakash
School Category : Nursery School
Medium of School : English
Type of School : (Private) Day
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