Basic Information

School Category : Secondary School

Medium of School : Both

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About La Sagesse School - Chhatri Bagh
Welcome to La Sagesse Montessori, the colorful and fun filled world of Education that meets International Standards. Our aim is to develop the inherent potential in every child and ensure an easy transition into Kindergarten and beyond. We do this by offering the Best Teachers, Curriculum, and Teaching Methodologies in a safe, supportive and positive learning environment. The teaching methodology is a combination of the Montessori and play way method which allows for learning through Sensorial and Creative activities keeping in mind the learning style, pace, development and strengths of each child. The monthly themes are structured and the multi-sensory curriculum based no International standards, determines teaching content. The curriculum further determines the assessment process of every child and the reporting format that guides parents and teachers in goal setting.
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