Basic Information

Principal/Director : VINIT PANCHARIYA

School Category : Nursery School

Medium of School : Both

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

With a unique, one of its kind concept, HELLO KIDS is a place where children grow & develop while reading, listening and playing. Here they move from dependence to independence, from shaky coordination to refined skills, from body language to verbal communication, from self-aborption to growing social awareness. Others call it Fun-school, we call it HELLO KIDS; the chain of pre-schools that believes in enlightening the children by entertaining them. HELLO KIDS looks nothing like a pre-school,but rather like a kids heaven. HELLO KIDS offers you a unique opportunity to be a part of these delightful years and witness the transformation of restless kids into young and confident children ready to make a mark for themselves. HELLO KIDS caters to the age group of 1 ½ to 5 ½ year old kids and offers the best of Montessori, Playway & Gurukul methods of education. At HELLO KIDS, we believe in bringing up children who are all rounders, who can use their 5 senses effectively by enjoying, exploring and gaining new knowledge. HELLO KIDS ensures all round development of the child and expose him to many aspects of life. We wish to offer the children in India ,the same world-class quality and international standards of education that are enjoyed by millions of families across the world.
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