Having born in the year 2004, CHOITHRAM SCHOOL NORTH CAMPUS is a progressing institution where in the young minds are trained through the play way and project method. Many new as well as old minds have joined in to bring out the Choithramian culture out of a wide variety of students. It is moving with a greater pace & trying our best to provide a healthy & open atmosphere to the students. Let learning be a free, exciting and joyful discovery of /for the child. The school believes learning should be a natural and enjoyable experience and not to be made stressful and boring as is generally done in the classrooms. The school believes in reducing the tedium and monotony of the routine classroom pressures, so that the essential learning remains an exciting & happy experience. The school is convinced that the undue pressure of frequent tests or loads of homework can be modified to a more healthy and happy scheme of the CCE so that the child learns to think on his/her own and learning becomes a daily activity of choice and fun. This is a school where each child may have a dream and he or she learns to put the best effort to realize it. A sense of determination and the strength of will power are encouraged. Moreover, the joy of participation in many activities of the school is virtually enhanced by emphasizing ‘events’ and not ‘competition’. Thus each could have ample opportunities to express himself on the stage and to gain the confidence of performing without the sense of failure. The school does not neglect to introduce the child to community and social living through projects which encourage team work; activities to help the community are planned from time to time and a general sensitivity towards the others is fostered. In addition to it, the child is encouraged to develop a strong character and moral wisdom to make him/ her wholesome individual to face the world courageously.
AC Class Room
Activity Room
CCTV Monitored Campus
Dance and Music
Play Ground
Sefety and Security
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Admission Procedure
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