Basic Information

Principal/Director : Mrs. Savita Sharma

Established in Year : 1997

School Category : Primary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Green Land Public School
urlGreen Land Public School is situated in Block-A, Surya Vihar, Gurgaon. It was founded on 1St April, 1997. Since then the school is serving the society & nation by giving a sound knowledge, strong character and a brilliant future to its students. The students are achieving their goal and they are feeling like dream come true. Our Ex president Dr. Abdul Kalam Said, “A pencil & a dream can take you anywhere.” School management & staff also feel that it happens many times that innocent children dreams and the power of pencil made their dreams come true. Our students are on the path of journey of education with an opportunity to dream.
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