Welcome to Apple Blossom- a pre-primary school where tiny tots bloom and grow in a warm, secure and stimulating environment. It is their “home away from home” where they are given time and space to learn at their own pace and opportunities to express themselves creatively.Apple Blossom is where your child’s wonder years are filled with the joys of learning and growing,exploring and discovering, and building bonds and self esteem.
Bus facility
child friendly furniture
Dance Room
Indoor Games
Play Ground
Play Room
Story Telling Corner
Toy Room
Activity Hall
Best Faculties
Best Transportation
Big Playground
Dance Room
Toy Room
Admission Procedure
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Basic Information
Principal/Director : Ms Rachna Singh
School Category : Nursery School
Medium of School : English
Type of School : (Private) Day
Average Fee (Monthly) : 0 to 5000
Latest News
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Notice Board
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Amity International School - Power Grid Complex