Principal/Director : Mr. S.P. Bakhshi
School Category : Senior Secondary School
Medium of School : English
Type of School : (Private) Day
Average Fee (Monthly) : NA
Admission is open to the Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Kindergarten classes for the academic year 2016-17. Admission is also open with very limited seats available in Nursery, Kindergarten and classes 1 to 9 and 11 for the new academic session of 2016-17.
Parents are required to apply for admission in the prescribed forms, duly filled along with the Registration and Prospectus Fee of Rs. 200/-. The registration form can either be downloaded from the school’s website or collected from the school. The following documents need to be attached with the form.
The School will thereafter set up a mutually convenient date for a familiarization exercise between the parents, the student and the school.
The decision for admission will be based on the information provided in the registration form and the familiarization exercise
For further clarification on admission please contact Mrs. Mohini Sethi at 0120-4296701-04, 9818162622 (from 10am to 3pm Mon-Sat)
Parents/ guardians are most welcome to visit the school and take a tour of the school to acquire a firsthand experience of the facilities and infrastructure.
Mrs Mohini Sethi, our admission incharge will most happy to arrange a short tour of the school and address any queries and guide them through the admission process.
The school office is operational Monday to Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
Seats are reserved in all classes for Mid Session Admissions upto 30th September for bonafide transfer cases for details contact Mrs. Mohini Sethi - 0120-4296701-04.