Basic Information

Principal/Director : Fr. Henry Saldanha S J

Established in Year : 1904

School Category : Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About St. Joseph’s Indian High School (SJIHS)
St. Joseph’s Indian High School, opened in 1904 is conducted by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a religious order of the Catholic Church, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. The Jesuits are active in the field of education throughout the world. In India, they run many schools and colleges. These institutions are part of the Catholic Church’s effort to impart education to the people of India. The History usually mirrors the life and activity of the Institution during the preceding year. 1962 Speaking of the past, we are filled with admiration and gratitude for those stalwarts of a byegone age: the Fathers of the Paris Foreign Mission. Imbued with vision and foresight, iron will and steely determination, unflagging zeal and dauntless courage, they planted a seed in the “Garden” on St. John’s Hill, nurtured it through the years, and, when the time was ripe, transplanted it to an imposing building, which is now St. Joseph’s College, PUC Section. They were men of deep faith and bard toil, all of them: Vissac and Browne, Froger and Veysseyre, Blaise and Michel, and the great Aucouturier. We salute these giants and place on record our abiding gratitude. When the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, who are managing the School, at present, took it over in 1937, they were faced with the daunting challenge of living up to the high standards set by their predecessors. It is a matter of joy for us to know that during these odd years, we have tried hard, and to a great extent succeeded in meeting that challenge. It has been for us a thrilling adventure as thrilling as the task of an athlete determined to break records. Some records we ourselves have set, and some set by others before us, we have broken. Thanks be to God. 1960 Under the stewardship of successive Rectors and Principals, the School has grown beyond all expectations, won many laurels and deserved many encomiums. But what we deem as our greatest achievement is the safe launching of hundreds of men into the ocean of life. There has been material progress too. The most significant event has been the transfer of the School to the present location with its imposing edifice and spacious Playground. 2004 We have had our great men too: Joseph Coelho, William Picardo, Albert Saldanha, Edwin Fernandes. James Coelho, J. B. Frank, Valerian Farias and Denis Coelho. All of them have contributed to the growth of the School. All of them have left indelible imprints in the annals of the Institution and much more, in the minds and hearts of our students. While we pay them our respects, we who are at the helm now, wish to acknowledge that we continue to draw inspiration from them. And, while singing the glories of the past, we rededicate ourselves to the task of facing boldly the challenges of the future
  • Auditorium
  • Badminton
  • Canteen
  • Computer Lab
  • Counselling
  • Library
  • Picarrdo Hall
  • Play Ground
  • School Chapel
  • Science Lab
  • Swimming
  • Transportation
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