SSVVK is a school rich in a tradition of quality and Values. SSVVK has consistently met and exceeded the educational needs of a diverse student populace. Our greatest assets are our students and educators whose commitment and dedication to the school is evident daily in the value they together add to this rich heritage. Gaining knowledge, is first step to Wisdom and sharing it is first step to humanity. The institution has been imparting quality education by developing young children into responsible citizens. All-round development, discipline and leadership are the high points of SSVVK In this age of rapid technological advancement, it is imperative that we reconnect with nature and nurture sensitivity in our children. Cognizant of this need, Classrooms have been consciously designed and finer details have been taken into account. We assure you that our school will continue to avail all the resources needed to further the cause for even greater student achievement. Offering our students the latest in curriculum enhancements in a safe and state of the art learning environment will continue to serve as our primary focus throughout their school years. We are sincerely committed to educate and bring up an emerging generation who possess a global perceptive and will be positive contributors to the community as a whole.
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The Great Eastern International Public School