Thank you for taking interest and some time out to go through our website to learn about our school. Atreya Vidyaniketan is a unit of Chaitanya Educational Trust and is located in Mahalakshmipuram (Kurubarahalli). We are co-educational school affiliated to CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Studies), Delhi. Currently, the school serves 610 students from pre-school through grade 10. Atreya Vidyaniketan is committed to creating a campus community where children feel respected, safe and inspired to learn and grow. We are very proud of our outstanding students and dedicated teachers. We have high expectations for the students in our care and we are devoted to their success. Spend some time browsing our site and as you explore the many pages of this website, you will catch the enthusiasm and energy that makes Atreya Vidyaniketan a school that commits itself to the children and their development. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us.
Art Room
Bus facility
Dance and Music
Multipurpose Hall
Play Ground
Sports Facilities
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Admission Procedure
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VVS Sardar Patel High School