CBSE Worksheets for Class 12 Economics

Download free printable worksheets for CBSE Class 12 Economics with important chapter wise questions as per Latest NCERT Syllabus. These Worksheets help Grade 12 students practice Economics Important Questions and exercises on various topics Introductory Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Determination of Income and Employment, Government Budget and the Economy, Balance of Payments, Indian Economic Development. These free PDF download of Class 12 Economics worksheets consist of visual simulations to help your child visualize concepts being taught and reinforce their learning.

Get free Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 12 Economics Worksheets shared by teachers, parents & students to understand the concepts. All the necessary topics are covered in these 12th grade worksheets. These class 12 Economics worksheets provide skills and experience necessary to ace in Exams

Class 12 Economics Marks Distribution
Units Marks
Part A : Introductory Macroeconomics
National Income and Related Aggregates 10
Money and Banking 6
Determination of Income and Employment 6
Government Budget and the Economy 6
Balance of Payments 6
Part B : Indian Economic Development
Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991 12
Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 22
Development Experience of India –A Comparison with Neighbours 6
Theory Paper (40+40 = 80 Marks) 40
Project Work 20
Grand Total 100

Structure of CBSE Economics Sample Paper for Class 12 is

Type of Question Marks per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Objective Type Questions 1 20 20
Short Answer Type Questions - 1 3 4 12
Short Answer Type Questions - 1 4 6 24
Long Answer Type Questions 6 4 24
Total 34 80

CBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics
Unit 1: National Income and Related Aggregates ( 30 Periods )
What is Macroeconomics?
Basic concepts in macroeconomics: consumption goods, capital goods, final goods,
intermediate goods; stocks and flows; gross investment and depreciation.
Circular flow of income (two sector model); Methods of calculating National Income -
Value Added or Product method, Expenditure method, Income method.
Aggregates related to National Income:
Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) and Net Domestic Product (NDP) - at market price, at factor cost; Real and
Nominal GDP.
GDP and Welfare

Unit 2: Money and Banking (15 Periods)
Money – meaning and functions, supply of money - Currency held by the public and
net demand deposits held by commercial banks.
Money creation by the commercial banking system.
Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India): Bank of issue,
Govt. Bank, Banker's Bank, Control of Credit through Bank Rate, CRR, SLR, Repo
Rate and Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Margin requirement.

Unit 3: Determination of Income and Employment ( 30 Periods)
Aggregate demand and its components.
Propensity to consume and propensity to save (average and marginal).
Short-run equilibrium output; investment multiplier and its mechanism.
Meaning of full employment and involuntary unemployment.
Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them -
changes in government spending, taxes and money supply.

Unit 4: Government Budget and the Economy (17 Periods)
Government budget - meaning, objectives and components.
Classification of receipts - revenue receipts and capital receipts;
Classification of expenditure – revenue expenditure and capital expenditure.
Balanced, Surplus and Deficit Budget – measures of government deficit.

Unit 5: Balance of Payments (18 Periods)
Balance of payments account - meaning and components;
Balance of payments – Surplus and Deficit
Foreign exchange rate - meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating.
Determination of exchange rate in a free market, Merits and demerits of flexible and
fixed exchange rate.
Managed Floating exchange rate system

Part B: Indian Economic Development
Unit 6: Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991:
(28 Periods)
A brief introduction of the state of Indian economy on the eve of independence.
Indian economic system and common goals of Five Year Plans.
Main features, problems and policies of agriculture (institutional aspects and new
agricultural strategy), industry (IPR 1956; SSI – role & importance) and foreign trade.
Economic Reforms since 1991:
Features and appraisals of liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation (LPG policy);
Concepts of demonetization and GST

Unit 7: Current challenges facing Indian Economy ( 60 Periods)
Human Capital Formation: How people become resource; Role of human capital in
economic development; Growth of Education Sector in India
Rural development: Key issues - credit and marketing - role of cooperatives;
agricultural diversification; alternative farming - organic farming
Employment: Growth and changes in work force participation rate in formal and
informal sectors; problems and policies
Sustainable Economic Development: Meaning, Effects of Economic Development on
Resources and Environment, including global warming

Unit 8: Development Experience of India: (12 Periods)
A comparison with neighbours
India and Pakistan
India and China
Issues: economic growth, population, sectoral development and other Human
Development Indicators

Part C: Project in Economics (20 Periods)

Prescribed Books:

  1. Statistics for Economics, NCERT
  2. Indian Economic Development, NCERT
  3. Introductory Microeconomics, NCERT
  4. Macroeconomics, NCERT
  5. Supplementary Reading Material in Economics, CBSE
    Note: The above publications are also available in Hindi Medium.

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Why do one Children need Worksheets for Practice ?

It is very old saying that one can build a large building if the foundation is strong and sturdy. This holds true for studies also. Worksheets are essential and help students in the in-depth understanding of fundamental concepts. Practicing solving a lot of worksheets, solving numerous types of questions on each topic holds the key for success. Once basic concepts and fundamentals have been learnt, the next thing is to learn their applications by practicing problems. Practicing the problems helps us immensely to gauge how well we have understood the concepts.

There are times when students just run through any particular topic with casual awareness there by missing out on a few imperative “between the lines” concepts. Such things are the major causes of weak fundamental understandings of students. So in such cases Worksheets act as a boon and critical helpful tool which gauges the in-depth understanding of children highlighting doubts and misconceptions, if any.

Worksheets classifies the important aspects of any topic or chapter taught in the class in a very easy manner and increases the awareness amongst students.When students try to solve a worksheet they get to understand what are the key important factors which needs the main focus.Sometimes it happens that due to shortage of time all the major points of any particular topic gets skipped in the class or teacher rushes through , due to shortage of time. A worksheet thus provides a framework for the entire chapter and can help covering those important aspects which were rushed in the class and ensure that students record and understand all key items.

In a class of its say 40 students howsoever teacher tries to be active and work towards making each student understand whatever she has to teach in the class but there are always some students who tend to be in their own world and they wander in their thoughts.Worksheets which are provided timely to all the students, causes them to focus on the material at hand. it’s simply the difference between passive and active learning. Worksheets of this type can be used to introduce new material, particularly material with many new definitions and terms.

Worksheets help students be focussed and attentive in the class because they know after the class is over they will be assigned a worksheet which they need to solve so if they miss or skip any point in the class they may not be able to solve the worksheet completely and thereby lose reputation in the class.

Often students revise the chapter at home reading their respective textbooks. Thus more often than not they do miss many important points. Worksheets thus can be used intentionally to help guide student’s to consult textbooks. Having students write out responses encourages their engagement with the textbooks, the questions chosen indicate areas on which to focus. Explicitly discussing the worksheets and why particular questions are asked helps students reflect on what is important.