Knowing and understanding ICWAI:

Before taking a step towards ICWAI, one should make a self-introspection, understand the benefits, qualities and strengths and make a resolute to finish the course well within time. One should always go through the prospectus thoroughly and clear any doubts immediately incase they arise.

Studying Pattern:

To begin with, for optimum results, one should spend at least 6-8 hours on daily basis for preparation, covering all the specified subjects. As the exams approaches the study time should go unto 11-13 hours per day. Make an analysis of the trend and pattern of the questions for the last 5 years (10 terms) in order to have a clear idea about the important chapters and type of questions. It is better if you solve more and more question papers. Attend all the classes regularly.

Some tips for Preparation:

  1. If for some reasons you have committed mistakes or acquired less marks, analyse all loopholes and make sure to avoid committing such mistakes in next exams.
  2. Thoroughly study from Notes provided by your Institute for all subjects supplemented by other books recommended by your institute faculty.
  3. One should make a time table and adhere to that. Your time table should contain a complete plan to cover the syllabus in stipulated amount of time.
  4. Monitor the time schedule your drafted on daily or weekly basis and in case of any backlogs or missing parts, reinforce your efforts to make up for those. 
  5. Make sure you do at least two revisions before you appearing for the examination. In other words, one should complete a minimum of three to four readings before appearing for the examination. 
  6. Analyse and solve the previous year examination question papers to be able to categories all the topics in each subject and understand broad trends of these categories. 
  7. Based on your analysis of past papers understand the weightage to every category and accordingly prepare for the examination.
  8. In the case of theory subjects, focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly and its application. In subjects such as law, give due regard to case laws and sections.In subjects such as Economics, spend some effort on statistics and general reading of business newspapers and news magazines. 
  9. In the case of numerical subjects, such as Accountancy, Costing and Mathematics focus on understanding the methods, formulae and format of presenting the solution.
  10. Solve as many problems as you can. Prepare for these subjects from the beginning of the year/ session and on a continuous basis. Practice use of your calculator effectively to maximise its efficiency in the examination Hall. Remember speed is a crucial requirement. 

Examination Tips:

  1. Take a quick look at the question paper , not spending more than six minutes to choose the questions that you are likely going to answer.  
  2. Solve and answer the easy question first and then proceed in that order for the rest. Don’t forget to solve Compulsory Question. If you fail to answer the compulsory set of questions your maximum marks will be limited to 80%. (But the answer paper itself , will be valid.). 
  3. It is advised to answer the fewer questions completely , correctly and fully rather than trying out to answer every question partially.
  4. Note for numerical subjects, before jumping to solve and answer the question, you should read the question very carefully , even two three times in case the need arises.
  5. Answer the theory questions preferably last in the case of numerical subjects as these can be answered correctly in shorter periods quite often. 
  6. For a good impress in front of the valuator try to answer first question to the best of your ability and as good and accurate as you can. It should represent you caliber to give a good answer in all respects: content, neatness and presentation. 
  7. If there are some question for which you do know the answer but you ran short of time, try to write a synopsis for the answer. This should be done, if required, only at the end of the answer sheet.

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