One of the most difficult and tricky decision after passing 10th or matriculation is which stream to choose. Science or Commerce. Though usually most of the students deciding factor depends on the result and the CGPA grade they acquire in 10th exams, but sometimes other factors like separation from friends makes it difficult to decide what to choose after 10th.

The indian mindset works on the basic logic that if a student earns good grades in 10th , then they should definitely choose Science and if grades are less, then they should think on the line of commerce or arts. Well personally speaking, if a student has inclination and interest towards Science, then definitely they should opt for Science stream. But if your interests do not match with Science stream, then you should look for those subjects which matches your likings. Always remember that no stream is bad or good. It all depends on what you like and what interests you. Sometimes students from commerce streams later earn more than Science Students. So never tag any stream as superior or inferior.

Below I will try to explain how you can decide the best choice after 10th between science and commerce.

Science vs Commerce after 10th : How to decide?

Analyse Your Strengths, Capabilities and Interests:

One of the best person to gauge your strengths and weaknesses is yourself. Whatever course or stream you choose, unless you have the interest for it, chances of success are less. For example, to solve a physics problem you should be able to have analytical mental strengths and logical abilities to imagine how formulas works and how you can apply them to solve problems. For chemistry, you need to have interest in basic science of sub atomic particles and their behavior. Likewise, to excel in commerce stream you need to have inclination towards numbers, accounts and business faculties. If for instance, in you daily life you always think of profits and losses while buying small things and are interested in demand supply of domestic markets, you will be good in commerce. Similar factors goes for arts and humanities as well.

Always listen to your heart:

According to an age old phrase, listen every bodies advise, but do what you feel is correct, because you are your best judge. That does not mean that one should not consult others or take advises, but choosing a stream because somebody said so, or thinks so, is wrong strategy. Whatever may be the circumstances, at the end it should be your own decision what stream you should choose. There have been number of cases known to me in which students opted for commerce after 10th inspite of having great CGPA results and advises to opt science, and after some time they became immensely successful. It has been proved again and again in various researches that you always do well in the subjects you enjoy. You should always keep this in your mind.

Money should never be a consideration at this stage: 

Another most prominent factor which people suggests to their kids, acquaintance is that one stream is better paid then another. People usually advise that a particular stream is in demand in market and you will get good job after you do this course. But the matter of fact is that if you choose a stream based on your likings and interests, eventually you will do well and money will follow. One of my known friend opted for Arts after 10th even though getting 92% in science in 10th. Even being myself a student at that stage i was shocked by his decision. But today he is one of the well known artists in India and rich man. So what does this tell you? This means, if you excel in what ever field you choose, you will always earn money and most of the time you will make more money than your peers.


Jan 3, 2017
Nice Info