CBSE Worksheets for Class 4 Maths

Download free printable worksheets for CBSE Class 4 Maths with important chapter wise questions as per Latest NCERT Syllabus. These Worksheets help Grade 4 students practice Mathematics Important Questions and exercises on various topics like Multiplication, Division, Time, Calendar, fractions, Area, Perimeter, Capacity, Data Handling, Geometry Measurements, Word Problems and Mental Maths. These free PDF download of Class 4 maths worksheets consist of visual simulations to help your child visualize concepts being taught and reinforce their learning..

Get free Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 4 Maths Worksheets shared by teachers, parents & students to understand the concepts. All the necessary topics are covered in these 4th grade worksheets. These class 4 maths worksheets provide skills and experience necessary to ace in Exams

Total Papers : 289

CBSE Class 4 Maths The Junk Seller Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths The Junk Seller Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths The Junk Seller Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Jugs and Mugs Worksheet - 5 CBSE Class 4 Maths Jugs and Mugs Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths Jugs and Mugs Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Jugs and Mugs Worksheet - 1
CBSE Class 4 Maths Carts and Wheels Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Carts and Wheels Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Carts and Wheels Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 8 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 7 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 6 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 5
CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Halves and Quarters Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Play with Patterns Worksheet - 5 CBSE Class 4 Maths Play with Patterns Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths Play with Patterns Worksheet - 3
CBSE Class 4 Maths Play with Patterns Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Play with Patterns Worksheet - 1 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 7 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 6 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 5 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 4 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 3
Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 2 Class 4 Maths Tables and Shares Worksheet - 1 Class 4 Maths How Heavy How Light Worksheet - 4 Class 4 Maths How Heavy How Light Worksheet - 3 Class 4 Maths How Heavy How Light Worksheet - 2 Class 4 Maths How Heavy How Light Worksheet - 1 Class 4 Maths Fields and Fences Worksheet - 4 Class 4 Maths Fields and Fences Worksheet - 3 Class 4 Maths Fields and Fences Worksheet - 2 Class 4 Maths Fields and Fences Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Smart Charts Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Smart Charts Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Smart Charts Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 9 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 8 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 7 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 6 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 5 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 10 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 9 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 8 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 6 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths A trip to Bhopal Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 8 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 7 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 6 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 5 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 4 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 3 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 2 CBSE Class 4 Maths Long and Short Worksheet - 1 CBSE Class 4 Maths Worksheet (7) - 2022 Grade 4 Maths Revision Worksheet Sheet for SA2 - 2022 Grade 4 Unit Test 1 Revision Worksheet - 2022 Grade 4 Maths Spring Assignment Worksheet - 2022 Grade 4 Mathematics Revision Worksheet UT2 - 2022 Worksheet on Angles - Grade 4 Mathematics Class 4 ASSET Math Worksheet (3) - DPS Dubai Class 4 Mathematics Worksheet 2 - Delhi Private School Dubai 4th Grade Maths Fractions Worksheet Data handling Worksheet for Class 4 Mathematics Worksheet on Large Numbers - Grade 4 Maths Worksheet on Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction - Class 4 Grade 4 Multiplication Worksheets CBSE Class 4 Maths Money Worksheet Worksheet on Word Problems on Division 4th Grade Long Division Worksheets CBSE Class 4 Maths Time Questions Worksheet on Circles for Class 4 Mathematics Worksheet on Money CBSE Class 4 Maths Weight Maths Practice Worksheet Class 4 Fraction Sums for CBSE Class 4 Maths Time Worksheet for CBSE Class 4 Maths Area and Perimeter Worksheets for Grade 4 Maths Measurement Worksheets for CBSE Class 4 Maths Capacity Worksheets for Grade 4 Maths CBSE Class 4 Maths Worksheet on Word Problems on Money Fraction Questions for CBSE Class 4 Maths CBSE Class 4 Maths Fraction Worksheet - 2020 CBSE Class 4 Worksheet on Word Problems on Division Division Word Problems for CBSE Class 4 Maths Long Division Sums for CBSE Class 4 Maths CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Multiplication Worksheet Multiplication Statement Sums for CBSE Class 4 Maths Multiplication Word Problems for CBSE Class 4 Maths Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction for Class 4 Maths CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Subtraction Worksheets Addition Word Problems Worksheet CBSE Class 4 Maths CBSE Grade 4 Addition Questions for Maths Practice CBSE Class 4 Maths Time and Calendar Worksheets - 2019 Addition Sums for Class 4 Maths Worksheet - 2019 Printable CBSE Class 4 Maths Division Worksheets - 2019 CBSE Class 4 Maths Measurement Of Length Worksheet - 2019 Multiplication Sums for Class 4 Maths Worksheet - 2019 Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - Smart Charts Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - Fields and Fences CBSE Class 4 Maths How Heavy How Light Worksheet NCERT CBSE Class 4 Maths Patterns And Designs Practice Worksheet Halves and Quarters NCERT Worksheets Class 4 Maths Carts and Wheels Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets The Jugs and Mugs Class 4 Worksheets - NCERT Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - The junk seller Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - The Way the World Looks CBSE Class 4 Maths Tick Tick Tick Practice Worksheet Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - A trip to Bhopal CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Long And Short Worksheet Class 4 Maths NCERT Worksheets - Building with Bricks Word Problems For Class 4 Maths Worksheet CLASS 4 MATHS REVISION WORKSHEET-I (Lesson 1 & 2) CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Large Numbers Worksheet CBSE Class 4 Mental Maths Worksheets - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Fraction and Metric Measures Worksheets Class 4 Maths worksheets ( Large Numbers Practice ) - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Multiplication Worksheet - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Addition & Subtraction Practice Worksheets CBSE Class 4 Maths Division Word Problems Worksheet Data Handling Bar Graph Worksheets Class 4 Maths - Ramjas Time and Calendar Worksheets for CBSE Class 4 - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Perimeter and Area Worksheets CBSE Class 4 Maths Multiplication Word Problems - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Addition Word Problems - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Addition and Subtraction Worksheet CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Worksheet on Addition - Ramjas CBSE Class 4 Maths Large Numbers Worksheet - Ramjas

Total Papers : 289

Maths Syllabus for CBSE Class 4

Geometry - Shapes & Spatial Understanding.

Drawing a circle free hand and with a compass.
Identifying centre, radius and diameter of a circle.
Exploring intuitively the area and perimeter of simple shapes.
Making four, five and six-faced cubes from given nets especially designed for the same.
Exploring intuitively the reflections through inkblots, paper cutting and paper folding.
Reading and drawing 3-D objects.

Numbers - Numbers and Operations

Writing multiplication facts.
Writing tables upto 10.
Multiplying two and three digit numbers using lattice algorithm and the standard (column) algorithm.
Divides a given number by another number in various ways like by drawing dots, by grouping, by using multiplication facts.
Applies the four operations to life situations.
Framing word problems.
Estimating sums, differences and products of given numbers.

Mental Arithmetic

Adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100, mentally. Estimating sums, differences, products and quotients and verifies using approximation. Completing multiplication facts by adding partial products, mentally.

Fractional Numbers

Identifying half, one fourth and three-fourths of a whole.
Identifying the symbols, Explaining the meaning of various fractional values


Converting Rupees to Paise.
Adding and subtracting amounts using column addition and subtraction with regrouping.
Using operations to find totals, change, multiple costs and unit cost.
Estimating roughly the totals and total cost.


Length : Relates metre with centimetre. Converts metre into centimetres and vice versa. Solves problems involving length and distances. Estimates length of an object and distance between two given locations
Weight: Weighs objects using a balance and standard units. Determines sums and differences of weights. Estimates the weight of an object and verifies using a balance.
Volume : Measures volumes of given liquid using containers marked with standard units. Determines sums and differences of volumes. Estimates the volume of a liquid contained in a vessel and verifies by measuring


Counting the number of weeks in a year.
Correlating the number of days in a year with the number of days in each month.
Justifying the reason for the need of a leap year.
Reading clock time to the nearest hours and minutes.
Expressing time, using the terms, ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’
Estimating the duration of familiar events.
Finding approximate time elapsed by (to the nearest hour) forward counting.
Computing the number of days between two dates.

Data Handling

Collecting data and representing it in the form of bar graphs.
Drawing Inferences by discussing with the teacher.


Identifies patterns in multiplication and division: multiples of 9.
Casts out nines from a given number to check if it is a multiple of nine.
Multiplies and divides by 10s, 100s.
Identifies geometrical patterns based on symmetry.

Maths Topics to be covered for Class 4

Term I

  • Revision: Number sense and word problems
  • Revision: Geometry
  • Unit 1 Building with Bricks: Floor patterns, different patterns, solving problem based on brick cost, numbers etc.
  • Unit 10 Play with Patterns: Block patterns and designs, pattern with letters and numbers, completion of pattern of series, magic patterns, magic triangle, building of number patterns, patterns with addition of different numbers, decoding of different numbers and letters, floor patterns
  • Unit 2 Long and Short: Distance between two points, concept of long and short, guessing the distance, comparison of length, unit of measuring length- cm, m, km
  • Unit 3 A Trip to Bhopal: The buses, estimation of buses, beginning of the journey (estimation of time), to Bhimbetka(estimation of length, distance),lunch time estimation of time, boating problems of cost and time
  • Unit 4 Tick-Tick-Tick: Understanding the clock and time reading, different hands of clock, making a clock and reading time, relation between different hands of clock second, minute and hour hand, drawing a timeline to show different events, conversion of seconds into minutes and hours into vice versa, reading, writing up dates-format comparison of time, manufacturing, expiry dates of products, time format (12 hour, 24 hour clock, Railway clock)
  • Unit 6 The Junk Seller: Calculation of cost and value of things by multiplication, concept of loan, finding cost by verbal or mental calculation, different ways of multiplication, counting of currency coins and notes

Term II

  • Revisit – Number sense and word problems
  • Revisit – Measurement
  • Unit 5 The Way The World Looks: View of different objects from different directions, spacial understanding of direction and space, mapping your way, formation of dice by paper folding
  • Unit 7 Jugs and Mugs: Measurement of liquids in l, ml, kl etc., conversion of ml into litre and vice versa, estimation of quantity according to size of different liquids used at home
  • Unit 8 Carts and Wheels: Circular shapes around us- wheel and bangles etc, drawing circle with different circular shapes, radius and diameter of circle, comparison of sizes of circles on the basis of radius, drawing circle using compass, center of the circle
  • Unit 9 Halves and Quarters: Half and quarter parts(whole to part),dividing different shapes into halves and quarters, simple word and money problems on fractions, completion of whole part with given fraction (part of whole) 1/2, 1/4, 3/4parts of metre, litre and kilogram and 1 Rupee
  • Unit 11 Tables and Shares: Tables, formation of tables, making table of higher number adding tables of 2 numbers, how many cats finding the number of legs, Gangu’s sweets: Finding number of boxes, cost etc. with division and multiplication
  • Unit 12 How Heavy? How Light?: Compare weight of different things, unit of measurement of weight, weighing Balance, weight of elephant-comparative understanding, broken stones, post office-postage stamps, sending parcel according to weight
  • Unit 13 Field and Fences: Concept of perimeter, how to find perimeter of given figure, simple word problems of perimeter, puzzles and squares
  • Unit 14 Smart Charts: Concept of data handling, making frequency tables for time used in different activities, favourite food: Filling the tables
  • Unit 6 The Junk Seller: This chapter of SA-1 will be repeated and evaluated in SA-2 as per departmental Guidelines

For Preparation of board exams students can also check out other resource material

CBSE Class 4 Maths Question Papers

Important Questions for Class 4 Maths Chapter Wise

Maths Revision Notes for class 4

Previous Year Question Paper CBSE Class 4 Maths

Why do one Children need Worksheets for Practice ?

It is very old saying that one can build a large building if the foundation is strong and sturdy. This holds true for studies also. Worksheets are essential and help students in the in-depth understanding of fundamental concepts. Practicing solving a lot of worksheets, solving numerous types of questions on each topic holds the key for success. Once basic concepts and fundamentals have been learnt, the next thing is to learn their applications by practicing problems. Practicing the problems helps us immensely to gauge how well we have understood the concepts.

There are times when students just run through any particular topic with casual awareness there by missing out on a few imperative “between the lines” concepts. Such things are the major causes of weak fundamental understandings of students. So in such cases Worksheets act as a boon and critical helpful tool which gauges the in-depth understanding of children highlighting doubts and misconceptions, if any.

Worksheets classifies the important aspects of any topic or chapter taught in the class in a very easy manner and increases the awareness amongst students.When students try to solve a worksheet they get to understand what are the key important factors which needs the main focus.Sometimes it happens that due to shortage of time all the major points of any particular topic gets skipped in the class or teacher rushes through , due to shortage of time. A worksheet thus provides a framework for the entire chapter and can help covering those important aspects which were rushed in the class and ensure that students record and understand all key items.

In a class of its say 40 students howsoever teacher tries to be active and work towards making each student understand whatever she has to teach in the class but there are always some students who tend to be in their own world and they wander in their thoughts.Worksheets which are provided timely to all the students, causes them to focus on the material at hand. it’s simply the difference between passive and active learning. Worksheets of this type can be used to introduce new material, particularly material with many new definitions and terms.

Worksheets help students be focussed and attentive in the class because they know after the class is over they will be assigned a worksheet which they need to solve so if they miss or skip any point in the class they may not be able to solve the worksheet completely and thereby lose reputation in the class.

Often students revise the chapter at home reading their respective textbooks. Thus more often than not they do miss many important points. Worksheets thus can be used intentionally to help guide student’s to consult textbooks. Having students write out responses encourages their engagement with the textbooks, the questions chosen indicate areas on which to focus. Explicitly discussing the worksheets and why particular questions are asked helps students reflect on what is important.

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