Any stimulus that is strong enough to cause tissue damage is likely to trigger pain; for example, strong pressure, swelling, muscle spasm, and the presence or absence of certain chemicals. Other sensory receptors will also give pain signals if the stimulus they respond to is strong enough. For example, temperature receptors will give a feeling of pain if the temperature is too hot or too Cold. Pain can be useful- it tells us that something is wrong and stops us hurting ourselves more seriously
Any stimulus that is strong enough to cause tissue damage is likely to trigger pain; for example, strong pressure, swelling, muscle spasm, and the presence or absence of certain chemicals. Other sensory receptors will also give pain signals if the stimulus they respond to is strong enough. For example, temperature receptors will give a feeling of pain if the temperature is too hot or too Cold. Pain can be useful- it tells us that something is wrong and stops us hurting ourselves more seriously